Linden N2 Gas Infusion Machine

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The Linden N2 or Dry Air Gas Infusion™ Blending Unit is commonly used to nucleate Polyurethane resulting in a reduction of chemical use, part weight, and improved insulation properties. Low levels of N2 or Dry Air are used as a nucleation aid to improve tool wetability, mixing quality, material flow and eliminate surface defects in Polyurethanes.

N2 or Dry Air aids in molding complex geometries and part configurations that would typically streak, run, or not fill; for example, vertical walls. N2 or Dry Air is also used to improve foam characteristics, reduce urea formation and is suitable for all types of metering machines and mixing heads.

The Linden Gas Infusion Blending Unit provides a homogenous dissolution and distribution of N2 or Dry Air into the Polyol component of the urethane formulation. This provides for minimum consumption of N2 or Dry Air.

The Linden unit can introduce gaseous, instead of liquid, N2 or Dry Air and does not require sampling to regulate the level of N2 or Dry Air in the PUR and PIR. A Coriolis effect mechanism continuously monitors and updates the level of N2 or Dry Air, which is more accurate than periodic sampling.
The gas infusion unit can be provided as a component of new equipment or adapted to existing processing equipment as a stand-alone add-on system.

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