Italian Trade Agency

401 North Michigan Avene, Suite 1720
Chicago, IL 60611

About Italian Trade Agency via its plastics machinery directory introduces to the US market Italian manufacturers of Plastic and Rubber Processing Machinery and Moulds. The site profiles Italian Manufacturers using the latest technologies to offer a wide variety of solutions to meet your company’s respective needs. The Italian Trade Agency, Trade Promotion Section of the Italian Embassy is the government agency entrusted with promoting trade, business opportunities and industrial cooperation between Italian and foreign companies.

Competitors of Italian Trade Agency

American Composites Manufacturers Assoc.

American Composites Manufacturers Assoc.

The American Composites Manufacturing Association (ACMA) is the world’s leading composites industry trade group. We are manufacturers, material and equipment suppliers, distributors, academia and end users, dedicated to growing the composites market by promoting the competitive advantage and... Read More