Typical Applications for the CX-20 TD-NMR Spectrometer:
•Total Fat and Moisture in Food & Medical Products
◦Food and Feed, Seeds, Grains, Chocolate and Candy
◦Dairy Products and Non-Homogenous Samples
◦Pharmaceutical Powders and Tablets
•Solid Fat Content (SFC) in Oils and Fats
◦AOCS Methods (Cd 16b-93 and Cd 16-81)
◦ISO 8292 and IUPAC 2.150
•Oil and Moisture in Seeds and Nuts
◦ISO 10565 and ISO 10632
•Total Hydrogen Content in Petroleum Products
◦ASTM D7171-05 (Previously covered by D4808 and D3701)
◦Light and Middle Distillates, Gas Oils and Residua
•Polymer And Rubber Analysis
◦Elasticity, Tacticity, Crystallinity and Density
◦Cross-linking Density and Additives in Polymer Blends
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