ICN Laser Plates for CO2 and YAG Lasers

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Inkcups Now pioneered computer-to-plate technology in the pad printing industry. Our engineers have developed the largest selection of laser engravable plates on the market. The plates were specifically designed to accommodate varying applications and machine types; we hold patents on the various plate materials.
The ICN laser engravable plates is a revolutionary product that brings simplicity and repeatability to the making of pad printing plates.
ICN Laser Plates are designed to be etched with CO2 or YAG lasers. They can be used on our Cobalt laser systems or nearly any industry standard laser engravers, provided these machines have updated software, small spot size and quality power control.

Unlike traditional plate-making with photosensitive plates, laser plate-making is a computer-to-plate process, which does not involve film positives or chemicals. Laser Plates enable first generation etching with exceptional depth and halftone control. Laser engravable plates can be etched within just a few minutes.

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