To better service our customers, Airmate Company offers turn-key assembly and packaging services.
Our shrink wrap machine, one of many machines used in this process.
Whether your need is for production assembly or final retail assembly prior to packaging, Airmate has staff and facilities suitable to complete your project. Past production assembly projects include partition assembly and installation for returnable containers, automotive component separation and sorting, application of customer supplied product to sales and marketing display boards, etc. Airmate also has climate controlled assembly in a clean atmosphere for more sensitive parts.
We can help you with custom retail packaging as well. Airmate produces retail ready parts, shrink wrapped with custom backer cards, bar coded, UPC labeled, and directions for use inserted. These products are packaged in retail units, and then packaged in custom master cases, ready for distribution.
Additionally, Airmate can ship to your facility, or can act as your distribution arm, sending your goods to your customers’ warehouse.
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