Optimix Batch Blender

Available from TSM Control Systems
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Due to increased demand for a low throughput, flexible blending system, TSM designed and built the all new Opti-mix 50™ batch blender. With a throughput range from 1 to 200 kg/hr, it utilizes four easily removable hoppers with individual integrated slide valves for fast material changes. In addition, the blender incorporates the renowned patented TSM reverse-flight auger mixer which provides exceptional material blend homogeneity. Combine this with high accuracy material dosing, up to +/- 0.1% of set point, and the optimix can provide a consistent, quality end-product with excellent masterbatch savings.

The optimix batch blender is compact with a low height profile. It is ruggedly constructed of heavy gauge steel to withstand the most rigorous of operating conditions and the load cell is overload protected and guarded from physical damage. The mixing chamber is completely removable for easy cleaning purposes and the complete structure is protected with impact resistant powder coating. The dosing valves are made from heavy duty stainless steel with a teflon guide and the pneumatic system is driven by a festo valve block.

The blender also incorporates a remote colour graphical touch-screen interface that simplifies recipe change and selection. The display is extremely user-friendly and provides intuitive prompts. Up to 100 pre-programmed job recipes are instantly accessible, enabling rapid "on-the-fly" order changes. The recipe select feature allows a new job to be loaded instantly, including blend percentages or job size. As the job progresses the operator can view “set” and “actual” blend recipes, material weights & kg/hr throughput values, plus a full reporting facility.

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