CMB-3052 Color Matching Booth from GTI provides the critical lighting environment required for demanding color matching applications. Using the primary light source of D65, a light source developed by GTI with very high color rendering propertires, for visual color match assessment, the CMB-3052 simplifies the detection of metamerism by providing 4 additional sources including your choice of cool white fluorescent, TL84, TL83, incandescent (illuminant A), D50, D75, and UV.
The CMB-3052 has a built-in ColorGuard II which monitors the usage of each light source and reminds the operator when lamps need replacing.
If an accurate color match is important to your product, the CMB-3052 is a very valuable tool.
Accessories include rolling floor stands, storage cabinets, flat file drawers. GTI Graphic Technology has been desiging and producing color-critical lighting systems for over 35 years and has offices and resellers around the world.
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