Electrical and Electronic Equipment

Available from Integrated Design Systems Inc.
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The diverse variety of electrical and electronic equipment spans a broad range of products from small handheld plastic devices to large rugged rack mounted modules. Requirements for this classification are as diverse as the applications. Handheld devices require comprehensive attention to human factors considerations based on comfort in the hand and ease of operation while standalone enclosures must often withstand rigorous environmental conditions. Electronic closure design represents a balance of engineering, industrial design and manufacturing expertise. Designers at Integrated Design Systems have consistently provided world class design solutions to large and small companies in the electronics industry. Our expertise in quickly pinpointing critical design parameters at the beginning of every project sets IDS apart from other industrial design firms. Identification of your specific product requirements enables us to limit development costs and focus on those factors which will maximize the market potential of your product. Analysis of key product requirements and corporate objectives provides everyone with a common set of clearly defined specifications which become part of the development contract as well as final deliverables.

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