Vision Inspector "Benchmark"

Available from Boulder Imaging
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Boulder Imaging offers Quazar Vision Inspector Benchmark, designed for high precision 2D, flat part, sheet metal, gasket, quality control, and first article inspection as well as Statistical Process Control (SPC) and reverse engineering. With Benchmark you obtain immediate micron-level inspection.

Precise measurement of first articles improves your quality and increases production process efficiency by saving you time, labor, and materials. The Benchmark captures complete part detail in the “blink of an eye”. Simply place your part on the Benchmark table and click a button to image and measure. Comparison to CAD drawings, with notification of anomalies, is available. Results are provided in a detailed report for customers or for your own internal quality control and compliance records. Quality control and workflow are significantly increased through the ease of use and speed at which Benchmark provides micron-level measurement and feedback. Improve your competitive advantage as your customer satisfaction levels rise with improved time to delivery and improved reporting capabilities.

Typical use of Benchmark is on first article inspection, however it is also useful for spot checking to ensure continued adherence to specification throughout production runs. You can also utilize Benchmark to provide 100% parts inspection for total quality management (TQM) and ISO compliance.

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