A2LA Lab Testing Services!
ASTM and ISO Testing Services!
TAPPI Standard Testing Services!
Physical and Analytical Testing Services!
We offer a full line of Flexible Packaging Testing Services to meet our customer’s needs. Whether it’s one test or 100 we are here to help. Call today for a quote today! We can also help you design and perform custom tests as the need may arise.
Analytical Services:
Ash, DSC (Differential Scanning Calorimeter), TGA (Thermo Gravimetric Analysis), TMA (Thermo Mechanical Analysis), DMA (Dynamic Mechanical Analysis), FTIR – Transmission, ATR, Microscope (Fourier Transform Infrared), Solvent Extraction, GC (Gas Chromatography), HPLC (High Pressure Liquid Chromatography), XRF (X-Ray Florescence), UV-VIS Spectrophotometry, Karl Fisher Titration, Moisture Analysis, and more.
Physical Testing Services:
Tensile, Elongation, Secant Modulus, COF (coefficient of friction), Block Re-Block, Elmendorf Tear, Dart Drop (puncture resistance), Optical Microscopy, X-Section Analysis, Surface Analysis, Heat Seal, Heat Seal Profile, Hot Tack, Hot Tack Profile, Ink Draw Down, Ink Rub, Sheffield Smoothness, Gurley Stiffness, Surface Tension Testing (Dyne Testing), Haze, 20 degree Gloss, 45 degree Gloss, 60 degree Gloss, Opacity, Lab Color Testing, and Capillary Rheometry (Rheology).
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