Gas injection technology
With gas injection technology, gas is injected into the plastic melt at the end of the injecting
process. The injected gas displaces the melt on the inside thus resulting in a cavity
being formed.
Short shot, cavity is partially filled with plastic melt. The plastic melt is pressed
against the mold wall with the injected fluid.
Full shot, entire cavity is filled with plastic melt. The injected fluid forces the melt into
an adjoining cavity.
Full shot back pressure procedure, entire cavity is filled with plastic melt. The injected fluid forces the melt through the sprue bushing back into cylinder vestibule.
The GIT (GAIM) mold injector
Gas injectors are installed directly into the mold. One or more injectors are assembled
into the mold, depending of the size and geometry of the molded part as well as the fluidity
of the melt.
With an installation either parallel or diagonal to the form direction, the mold injector must
be used with an extraction mechanism.
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